January 17, 2011

17 January 2011 ★

wee~ ★ my sis came back from German yesterday. xD
everyone were so happy. :D
at last my laptop were back xD


I should'nt gave you my number. you were freaking annoying. please stop calling me and sms me! I never contact you means I don't like you. Omg**! hate it so much! =X

arhh!! tomorrow have merentas desa xD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
with friends play again x)

I wanna buy iphone4 and LG lollipop x)) ★★

lg lollipop 2 ★

lg lollipop ★

iphone 4 ★

this all were my dream phone x)

January 11, 2011

11 January 2011 ★

Wee~★ today came back from school, I took a lot of picture. O.o''
haha** xD

love this pic ★

funny pic ★

today our teacher said that if we never take BC need to write later. ishhh! don't know weather my mom want to write or not.=.=''
I hate tuition too! gosh! make me damn tired and no time to prepare my things! =.=

January 10, 2011

10 January 2011 ★

hello guys! x) ★
its time for blogging ★

recently I fall in love with my room ★
weee ★★ xD

especially this place ★

now I understand that we have own personalities. no one can force you to do a things that you don't like. So as I and so as you ★ =) sometimes you treat a person good but he/she don't treat you back,  how's your feeling? I hope that everyone can respect each other as well as you can. please don't treat them to cold or something. they will felt sad and hurt either. *[I'm not saying myself] x) **

January 9, 2011

9 January 2011 ★

My sis gonna came back from German. weee ★★★ x)
My cousin sis bought her a puzzle too. =)

my sis favorite animation movie =)
but some of the puzzle drop already.>'<

my star headphone ★
love 'her' so much ★xD

heechul and tvxq members x)

my heechul ★★ xD

January 8, 2011

8 January 2011 ★

weee ★★ I'm so happy today ★ x)

my mom make it ★
so delicious  ★

later, I went shopping with my family and saw muii ★ xD
so happy that at last I have a friend can walk with me ★ weee ★★

took picture with her in the washroom ★

second picture ★

Then, she bring me to a shop and I bought this shirt ★
thx for her help too ★
I'm really very happy ★ xD

second picture ★

January 7, 2011

7.1.2011 ★

Today I did not sleep after school because of tomorrow is saturday ★
picture time ★ x)


January 6, 2011

6 January 2011 ★

Today seni homework. ★
quite funny. x)

January 5, 2011

5 january 2011 ★

Today start have a lot of homework to do. But finally I do finish. =) then take a nap because I have tuition at night. x)

I really don't like to talk with you. Sometimes you talk really very rudely. Don't say you just kidding, you always said like that I know. Don't said that this is your attitude, if this is your attitude many people won't like to be friends with you. Please change your attitude. Maybe some of your friends can stand about your words that you talk but I can said I really can't. I'm really mad at you and felt disappointing too. Don't ask me is who, but I know the person will know.

skip ★

I just realize that AB blood type are different with others. x) they had their on specifically. But I love AB blood type. xD because I'm AB and heechul's AB too. *LOL* *laugh** ★

January 3, 2011

3 Jauary 2011. ★ first day of school ★

aiksss! what a unlucky day in school. Morning class teacher were freaking strict and scary. =.=' Today many student get caught of their hair such as dye hair, infront  too long and others. But luckly I never get caught of anything. x) went in the class and change a no desk table.=.=' *ishhh* and some of our teacher were good and some were strict. Our english teacher is dicepline teacher. She first came in and check our hairs. *LOL* quite scary** then our moral teacher were good. She know my sister too. *haha* x) and so many things need to prepare. After came back from school, I take a nap too. Just woke up and felt very comfortable. =)  ★ ★

new life of 2011  ★ ★

January 2, 2011

2 January 2011 ★

awww! Tomorrow gonna start school.Quite exciting.*laugh* how about everyone? did everyone enjoy your holidays? ★ I did enjoy my holidays too. :) wish everyone had a best school days.x)

January 1, 2011

1 january 2011 ★

Today should be a great and happy day. But somehow, today I felt like was a bad bad day I ever had.T3T. Today should also celebrate with my family at high class restraunt. But...I feel that I celebrate with myself only. I'm so sad after all. its sucks! I hate it so so much. you the one who so stingy and make me scold by him! why I need to suffer like that? why it was my fault again?? I need to wait few week to get back my computer. I don't want to use my sister's computer again. ★

wish all of have a great and interesting new year  ★ ★ =)